The Synod seeks to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, and give strength to our hands. However, out of the deep listening and beginning dialogue that was born from the various Synod sessions held in church basements, Zoom gatherings and even the halls of the Vatican, we are left with a lot of questions:
- How do we walk together in a polarized world?
- How do we maintain our authentic prophetic voice while walking together?
- Can we find and work from common ground and shared values?
- Whose voices and stories have yet to be told and recognized?
- What is next?
We do not have answers, but we want to come together to wrestle with these questions and implications raised by the Synod. As missionary disciples grounded in global solidarity, who seek to leave the comfort of the shore to engage in encounters at the margins, we will gather in the sunny hills of Los Altos, above Silicon Valley for a week seminar to take an intentional and intersectional look at where we find ourselves in the synodal process.
We will explore the stories it uncovers and examine its relevance to our current realities both locally and globally. We will prayerfully and theologically reflect on where the Spirit is moving in the unfolding world around us. And, we will imagine creative, practical and impactful ways for our communities to truly walk together prophetically.
Join us. Be part of this conversation. Envision a new way to walk together prophetically. Help forge a new path forward as missionary disciples.
Dates: Monday August 19th through Friday August 23rd, 2024. Arrivals Sunday afternoon.
Location: Maryknoll Mission Center at Los Altos, CA
Suggested Donation: $650 (private room with bath) to cover costs, but pay according to ability.
Maximum number of participants: 18
Contact: Walter Hidalgo at whidalgo@maryknoll.org
for more resources to to: maryknoll.us
Prerequisites: Fundamental understanding of the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, the Synod process and the lived experience of missionary discipleship. Preference given for previous participation in Missionary Discipleship formation programs, immersive experiences, and pastoral theological reflection.
Sponsors: Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Maryknoll Lay Missioners, Maryknoll Sisters, Maryknoll Affiliates and the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns