The Earth is Our Mother Retreat
Great mystics and saints from across the ages and cultures remind us that the Earth is our Mother and that Gardens are some of the best places to discover Hope, Beauty, and Connectedness. In these stormy times of climate change and pollution, join Artist and Story-teller Brother Mickey McGrath as he shares his paintings and stories of saints who remind us that our hearts are gardens and Christ is the Gardener!
Brother Mickey will also share his sketches and stories from his life-changing CRS and MARYKNOLL sponsored trips to Guatemala, Kenya, and South Dakota!
Together, we will explore our desperate need to be better nurturers of creation and leave Mother Earth a better place for future generations.
Creative prayer activity will be included.
When: Saturday September 14th from 9:00am-3:00pm
Where: Mary Mother of Hope Parish Center, 804 Page Blvd. Springfield, MA
Suggested donation: $25.00 preregistered by Sept. 1st or $30.00 at the door. However, please give what you can afford.
Why: Learn more about our call to card for creation and support the ministries of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers and Catholic Relief Services
Bring: Your own bag lunch. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided.
Questions? Contact Kevin McCarthy Nino at 914-559-2651 or kmccarthy@maryknoll.org