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Bolivia Immersion Trip

Join us for a Bolivia Immersion Experience!

November 7-18,  2025  *Tentative

Embark on a captivating journey to Bolivia, a vibrant landlocked country nestled in the heart of South America. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of its multiethnic population, comprising Amerindians, mestizos, Europeans, Asians, and Africans.

Delve into the spiritual legacy of Bolivia, chosen by the Holy See for Maryknoll to establish its inaugural presence in the southern hemisphere. In 2021, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers celebrated 79 years of dedicated mission work in Latin America.

Our journey takes us to Cochabamba, Bolivia, where we'll unravel the essence of Missionary Services Maryknoll. This program continues to provide invaluable missionary formation to the Churches of Latin America and beyond. Explore various organizations committed to mission, and delve into their transformative offerings, encompassing counseling, spiritual accompaniment, and the Laudato Si Program—a profound exploration of the care of creation and formation in ecological spirituality. Join us in embracing the cultural and spiritual tapestry of Bolivia, a destination where history and mission converge in a truly unique experience.

Trip includes:

  • Missionary Services Maryknoll in Cochabamba, the program through which we continue to offer “missionary formation” to the Churches of Latin America and beyond. 
  • Alpaca Wool Project. This project works in collaboration with a congregation of religious sisters, Hermanas Misioneras de Cristo Sediento, to sell alpaca wool and some artisanal alpaca crafts. 
  • School Tutoring Program. In three learning centers, serving 170 children with teachers and volunteers, Fr. Paul Sykora offers tutoring to children in a poor area of Cochabamba, Bolivia where immigration from rural areas is high and families from other cultures must adapt. 

*Subject to change

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Participant requirements and conditions

Trip Cost: $1,300
The trip cost includes accommodations, meals, local transportation, and entry fees during the trip. Participants are responsible for arranging and covering their own transportation to and from the trip location, as well as any required travel documents and incidental expenses. Generally, a current Passport with an expiration date exceeding at least 6 months from trip date is required.  Check the U.S. State website for more information.

About Maryknoll Immersion Trips
Maryknoll immersion trips are a ministry designed to foster missionary discipleship. Read more about our trips on our website. Participants are selected based on the potential impact the trip may have on their faith journey. Trip costs are calculated based on the expected number of participants, with each individual asked to contribute at least their share. Contributions beyond the required amount are appreciated, as they support others in participating in future trips. These contributions may be tax-deductible; donors should consult their financial and legal advisors for guidance.

Financial Assistance and Fundraising
For participants unable to afford their share, fundraising with family, friends, and community members is encouraged. If fundraising does not fully cover the cost, financial assistance may be available through Maryknoll by submitting a subsidy request form.

Registration and Preparation
After registering, a trip leader will contact you to ensure the trip is a good fit. Upon acceptance by Maryknoll, participants must complete the Risk Awareness and Travel Agreement, which includes essential details and important information. Participants will also receive information on the required non-refundable deposit and full payment deadlines.

Please note: Trips require a minimum number of participants to proceed. Do not make any travel arrangements until advised by the trip leader.

For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out. We look forward to journeying with you!


Visit for more information or contact Zahira Sandoval at or (773) 896-8025
