Come join us for an immersive experience delving into the challenges and joys of North America's indigenous peoples within the broader context of Maryknoll's mission work with indigenous communities worldwide. These communities are rich in ancient traditions and culture, yet often marginalized in society. Nevertheless, they have invaluable teachings to share about nurturing life in all its forms. Experience a Sun Dance ceremony, the opportunity to explore the issues regarding residential schools, and a deeper look at the connections with indigenous spirituality and care of creation. We will visit Wounded Knee, Crazy Horse, Badlands National Park, and Black Hills on this adventure through the plains of South Dakota.


Participants will: 

  • learn about the history, culture, and spirituality of the Lakota People
  • hear the intergenerational stories of suffering and resilience from a people who had their land and culture ripped away from them
  • gain firsthand insight into the trauma and injustices that have unfolded through genocide, relocation, and poverty during the reservation era
  • see signs of hope springing forth from the cultural revitalization that is happening on reservations today
  • appreciate the importance and prevalence of the culture and spirituality in Lakota communities, and how those traditional practices are kept alive
  • better understand how the experience of the Lakota People relates to and is connected with that of other indigenous groups around the world

Immersion Trip includes:

  • Onsite visits to: 
  • The Rosebud Lakota Sioux Reservation, as well as the Pine Ridge and Crow Creek Sioux Reservations
  • Native American Sundance Ceremony  
  • Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial
  • Black Hills, including Crazy Horse Memorial
  • Devils Tower National Monument
  • Encounter and relationship-building with individuals, families,  communities
  • Orientation to the social, political, and economic realities 
  • Opportunities for prayer, liturgy, and faith sharing
  • Daily reflections and faith formation activities
  • Ongoing  missionary discipleship support and formation before, during, and after the trip

Participant requirements and conditions:

  • Acceptance at Maryknoll's discretion
  • Participants must arrange and pay for their own air travel to Omaha Eppley International Airport and back during the designated time frame. In-country transportation will be provided during the trip.
  • Accommodations are provided
  • Suggested donation of $1,500 to cover trip costs (subject to change)
  • Participants must sign a Travel Risk Agreement
  • Non-refundable deposit of $100 due upon acceptance
  • Trips require a minimum number of participants to proceed

Visit for more information or contact Zahira Sandoval at or (773) 493-3367 ext.263