(Note each applicant must submit a form using a unique email address


El Paso, TX-Juarez MX Mission Immersion Experience

december 10 - 15, 2020

The U.S.-Mexico border has become a lightning rod for discord and polarization in our nation. But there is a human story here that needs to be told. Join Maryknoll as we tour the border and meet the players on the front lines of the immigration issue.

In partnership with the Columban Fathers, and in the spirit of Evangelii Gaudium, we will experience God's joy and explore how we are linked to the our brothers and sisters of Mexico in the bonds of global solidarity, 

PLEASE NOTE:  Couples traveling together must each register separately so that we have complete contact information for each person.


Immersion Trip Includes:

  • Pre-trip orientation
  • Cultural, economic, and spiritual realities from community and pastoral leaders
  • Daily communal prayer, liturgies and theological reflection
  • Experience of the Church's ministries in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez
  • Post-trip debriefing and reflection

Link to a description of the some of the places we will visit in collaboration with Columban Missioner Fr. Bob Mosher: https://columban.org/columban-mission-center

Estimated Program Cost

  • Accommodations at the Columban Mission, meals, and local transportation: $700
  • Participants are responsible for air travel to and from El Paso, TX airport
  • Passport required to cross the border into Mexico (Visa not required) 

For general information regarding Maryknoll immersion trips including the requirements to participate and what will be expected if you application is accepted visit:

Immersion Trip Participation Requirements

Contact Deacon Arturo Monterrubio at amonterrubio@maryknoll.org or Deacon John Coe at jcoe@maryknoll.org for more information